Saturday, January 4, 2014

Arctic Blast.

In the coming days, temperatures in the USA are due for a major plunge. An arctic blast is coming in, from a northwestern direction, and it will send temperatures below zero in many places.

Weather maps with the high temperatures for January 5-7, 2014.

One major subject that has come up is global warming. Many are quick to point out "it's a crock". Well, if one is to consider geography, take a very good look at these maps. While a large part of the USA is being covered in very cold temperatures in the next few days, look very closely at where those temperatures are. On Tuesday, the city of Jacksonville, Florida, USA, is poised to have a high of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In sunny Florida. Miami, which is quite close to Cuba, will have a high of 62 degrees Fahrenheit. Atlanta,Georgia,USA is poised to have a high of 24 degrees Fahrenheit, almost 30 degrees below normal for January.

 However, look at the map for Tuesday. Now look at Denver, Colorado,USA. The Mile High City, located as Philadelphia and Indianapolis to the east, and on a far northern latitude than Atlanta, will have a high ABOVE freezing while Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Indianapolis will have highs below freezing. Colorado Springs will reach a high of 52 degrees Fahrenheit. New Orleans, on the Gulf of Mexico, will reach 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, it might be a good idea to consider that the Front Range region of Colorado does get the chinook winds, which descend down the leeward side of the Rocky Mountains, and temperatures can get warmer. However, what role does the chinook winds play. More importantly, look at the highs for Denver and Colorado Springs for Sunday and Monday. Atlanta and Jacksonville will be much warmer than Denver or Colorado Springs. This pattern begins to change on Monday. One must consider the Jet Stream and its placement. Yes, it will be cold on one part of the nation. However, notice the movement of temperatures. It becomes progressively colder in the eastern part of the USA. It begins warming up in the southwest and parts of the Rockies. How long will this last? And it;s the beginning of January, the first day of Spring isn't for over 2 months. Only time can tell. 

Another consideration is that this is the USA. It might be very cold now, but how is it in other parts of the world considering the same latitudes? That is one thing to consider. One must consider that it is too early to tell, and that there is more to global warming than where you personally live. Look at the whole world.

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